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Improving Conditions

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

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Business has been picking up the past couple weeks here at Logistics Worldwide! The warmer weather has probably contributed to this, but unfortunately the bad weather isn’t over as another winter storm is preparing to hit the Northeast.

However, today is the first day of Spring, so better weather must be on the way soon! Last week, we brought in new customers, and we’re always looking to bring in even more. We also had a shipment deliver to Iceland!

The logistics industry also seems to be improving as freight haulers hired about 5,600 jobs last month. This should help with the driver shortages we’ve been experiencing. However, there is no promise to lowering the rates. The weather and the new ELD’s continue to put a damper on rates, but that won’t stop our employees from finding you the best rates out there!

Shout out to Jerry Lavallee for having the most shipments the past two weeks!

Give us a call or send us an email to see how we could help save you time and money on all your freight needs!

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Reference: https://www.wsj.com/articles/truckers-boosted-hiring-at-fastest-pace-since-2015-1520620414

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